Why do evil people prosper? I asked this question a few times. Upon inspecting my own motives, I realized I was merely being envious of their prosperity. How silly! In Job 21, you’ll find a long-winded complaint against the prosperity of wicked people.
Then just tonight, the Bible showed me the answer to that question.
There’s an old adage, you reap what you sow. Well that’s in Scripture and we observe that as a law of nature. I get tomatoes from plants grown from tomato seeds. Then this Bible verse about the natural and agricultural law about sowing and reaping, brought me to another Bible verse about the fruit of the Spirit.
So if we gauge the prosperity of the wicked in terms of money, possessions, popularity, fame and fortune, success and excess, expensive cruises and holidays, all the wining and dining you want, then we’re just being envious of stuff.
Think about it. Why do I have to be envious of stuff? How silly! The truly prosperous are those bearing the fruit of the Spirit!
And, as the law of nature says, the wicked who sow evil will ultimately reap their own destruction. So don’t be envious!
Then this morning, I found another perspective in the Bible, the book of Jeremiah. The LORD speaks to us daily. Listen. read the Bible!
Christian prosperity and abundance is not material abundance. It’s spiritual abundance – a fruitful life and service for God’s kingdom. Please pray that God change your heart to see things more in a spiritual and kingdom perspective and not in a worldly perspective. Then the question, “why do evil people prosper”, will no longer have a hold on you.