The paintings, drawings and writing of Filipino artist Fatima Lasay
Current Exhibitions

Let me paint your personality disorder
Or how I became interested in Psychology
Let me paint your personality disorder – or how I became interested in Psychology The title is a humorous and stinging satire on Psychology, presenting over 30 small paintings made between 2021-2022 expressive of the artist’s determination to survive the effects of maltreatment in psychotherapy.
Art Heals Wounds
But Only Jesus Saves

My Testimony
I should’ve been left alone to die. But I did not get what I deserved.
He Told Me All That I Ever Did
Please let me share with you my testimony that salvation is of the LORD!
Modern Evangelism
Honestly, I’m terrified of evangelizing because I don’t want to do it wrong.
Where Are You Going?
An atheist told me, we’re not going anywhere after we die. At his own death bed, he tried hard to believe that but it wasn’t very convincing.