If you are a mental health professional, humble yourself. Every person who walks into your clinic is a human being with a lived experience, not a disorder.
Fatima Lasay, letter to the Psychological Association of the Philippines, December 2021

Fatima Lasay
9 W x 12 H inches, acrylic on watercolor paper 200gsm
The woman likes to sing. She is in a cage. There is a black and white piglet. It looks like it wants to get the woman out of the cage. Two fantail birds are singing with the woman. There is a bitter gourd vine with flowers and fruit. The sky is red and the clouds are black.
Music was an important part of my life. I learned to play the piano when I was small. My father played the piano, sang and played the guitar. I joined a band when I was in university.
I began to suffer from mild depression. When my problems became worse, my husband and I decided to see a Psychologist. It was the biggest mistake of our lives, it was the beginning of unspeakable misery. Later, the Psychologist was found guilty of violating ethics rules.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, this Ethics Committee finds Respondent guilty of violating V (Advertisements and Public Statements), 111.E. (Human Relations, Multiple Relationships) as well as VIII. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and D. 4 (Therapy, Multiple Relationships) of the Code of Ethics.
The Ethics Committee, Psychological Association of the Philippines, January 2023, Quezon City