The Long Pig

My art expresses the abundance, humor and refuge of livestock, pets, wildlife and nature that surround my home. Yet this way of life was disparaged by my ex-therapist as reflective of a “poverty in relationships.”

Fatima Lasay

Fatima Lasay
8.5 W x 11 H inches, acrylic on paperboard 220gsm

The woman is trying to jump to the sky. There’s a young pig clutching her. There is a very long pig in the sky. It has black spots. Two orioles are flying over the long pig. There are clouds in the sky and a few leaves in the trees.

I love this painting. It made me feel that there’s hope in the sanctuary of nature away from wicked people.

Fatima Lasay

When I painted this, I had just terminated therapy of nearly 6 months. I was doing my best to get better, at the same time, trying to understand why therapy was a failure. Later, I learned that the Psychologist Kit N Balane misrepresented his credentials. When I filed an ethics complaint the Psychologist tried to defend himself by asking why I stayed in therapy for so long if therapy was so bad. What he said made me feel that I was to blame for my symptoms and for the harm done by therapy.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, this Ethics Committee finds Respondent guilty of violating V (Advertisements and Public Statements), 111.E. (Human Relations, Multiple Relationships) as well as VIII. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and D. 4 (Therapy, Multiple Relationships) of the Code of Ethics.

The Ethics Committee, Psychological Association of the Philippines, January 2023, Quezon City

In January 2023, I won my ethics case and Kit N Balane was found guilty of violating multiple provisions of the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards.

Let me paint your personal disorder