It seems to me that Kit Balane’s rebuttal is in fact an implicit admission of his lack of professional ability as a clinical psychologist. His failing has caused my wife and I unimaginable misery, and it is also not known to what extent other victims may be equally suffering from his failures.
Trevor Batten, Statement of Witness, Ethics Committee, 2022

Fatima Lasay
8.5 W x 11 H inches, acrylic on paperboard 220gsm
The woman is riding a brown pig with black spots. The pig looks happy. The pig casts a deep red color shadow on the ground. The woman’s arms are outstretched because she is acting out her emotions. The sole of her foot and the palms of her hands are dirty. Her skin color is gray indicating she is unhealthy. The expression on her face gives the impression that she is distressed. There is a row of tall snake plants at the back. There is a crescent moon in the sky. Two orioles are flying above the woman’s head. Above the woman’s graying hair are swirls of clouds. Below the woman’s graying hair is the reflected moonshine.
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, this Ethics Committee finds Respondent guilty of violating V (Advertisements and Public Statements), 111.E. (Human Relations, Multiple Relationships) as well as VIII. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and D. 4 (Therapy, Multiple Relationships) of the Code of Ethics;
The Ethics Committee, Psychological Association of the Philippines, January 2023 in Quezon City