I had a hard time painting. Maltreatment in therapy made it difficult for me to focus and to control my emotions. Yet I knew I needed to paint.
Fatima Lasay

Fatima Lasay
11.7 W x 16.5 H inches, acrylic on watercolor paper 200gsm
The woman is trying to practice willing hands. She has two cats and two children. At the back is a garden and a pond with fish and stars. Ornamental plants Dieffenbachia and Sansevieria are growing in the garden. Above the woman’s head are passionfruit vines with flowers and fruits.
I accepted painting commissions but I couldn’t finish them. I destroyed several paintings until after many months, I made this. But the client probably did not like it because she did not take it. Today, I keep this painting to remind myself of my efforts against the despair of maltreatment in psychotherapy.