After couple’s therapy, I started becoming violent towards my husband. I was breaking things in the house and hurting myself. I tried to hang myself with a rope used for weighing pigs.
Fatima Lasay

Fatima Lasay
11.7 W x 16.5 H inches, acrylic on watercolor paper 200gsm
The woman has a piglet inside her. The interior scene is lit by the sunny verandah. Out in the sun is a table with a large oyster shell holding a rooted costus igneus cutting. There is a welcome mat with a flat calico cat on it. The interior is decorated with a painting of a woman with pig, crescent and orioles. There is a table at the back with a white sarten enamel cup. The woman’s dress hangs on the wall.
My interior world of emotions became distorted after maltreatment in psychotherapy. I started painting interior scenes to express this.
Fatima Lasay
I was in a marriage that I experienced as mental abuse and emotional neglect. Yet I loved my husband very much. He loved me too. We tried to solve our problems. We went to Kit Balane, a Psychologist. But things got worse. After couple’s therapy, I started becoming violent towards my husband. I was breaking things in the house and hurting myself. I tried to hang myself with a rope used for weighing pigs.
I filed an ethics complaint. It was very hard. I couldn’t find people to help me because the Psychologist was very popular. He writes for the newspaper, runs a private school for children, teaches at university and is involved in annulment cases in the family courts. I won my case in January 2023. Three months later my husband passed away. It is not easy being a widow with no children or family in Bohol. It isn’t easy dealing with grief and depression. I didn’t know who to trust.