As a result of therapy with Kit Balane, I could no longer tolerate my emotions. I started hurting myself and tried to kill myself.
Fatima Lasay

Fatima Lasay
8.5 W x 11 H inches, acrylic on paperboard 220gsm
The woman has long black hair. She is looking at you. Half of her face is red. The other half is white. She is wearing a sheer blouse with white trim and a dragon motif on the left sleeve. There is a crack across her torso. What look like squash leaves, tendrils and flowers are on her head like a crown. There are dark silhouettes of the squash.
I made this painting to express my inability to tolerate my emotions. I hurt myself and tried to kill myself. This came about after therapy with a Bohol Psychologist who misrepresented his credentials and violated ethics rules in therapy. I filed an ethics complaint in 2021. I won my case in 2023.
Art heals wounds but only Jesus saves.
“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.”
Psalm 7:17 ESV